
To locate the vacation rental in Tuscany that fits your needs, visit our Greve in Chianti web site. The vacation rentals listed there put you in direct contact with the owners. There are no price markups. In addition, we provide information on what to see, where to eat, walking paths, bicycling routes, churches, castles and abbeys, and wild life.
Here we provide some links to web pages that give brief but useful information on sights that can be visted when using Impruneta as your vacation base. All of the sights in Tuscany are easily reached by car, some in less than half an hour, others during the course of a one day excursion. The sights in Umbria are mostly a long one day trip, but still practical if you start off at a reasonably early hour in the morning.

Sights in Tuscany

Sights in Umbria

Panzano in Chianti
Panzano is an attractive hill town 25 minutes by car from Impruneta. Panzano can also be reached on foot from Greve in Chianti, either through Montefioralle or along the old Roman road parallel SS 222.

Festa della Stagion Bona, a mediaeval parade and entertainment takes place on Liberation Day, 25 April.

Vallelunga race track

Sandrine Martin at the European Women's Cup Vallelunga May 2005
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